Home / Fitness exercises / Bent Over Lateral Raise with Dumbbells / Shoulders / Bent-over lateral raises on the incline bench

Bent-over lateral raises on the incline bench

For more variety in your training routine, I recommend incorporating inclined lateral raises. Here are some tips to consider:

Body position

An incline bench set at a 45-degree angle is ideal for inclined lateral raises. It assists you in maintaining the correct body position. Lie down on the incline bench with your upper body, ensuring your back remains straight. Hold a dumbbell in a neutral grip in each hand, with your arms hanging down. Make sure your head stays in a natural position.

Movement execution

Exhale as you lift both arms upward. Move your arms laterally until they reach approximately shoulder height. Ensure your elbows are slightly bent. Then, control the descent of the dumbbells and prepare for the next repetition by inhaling.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Weitere Einblicke zu den involvierten Muskeln und typischen Fehlern beim Vorgebeugten Seitheben auf der Schrägbank findest du auf der Seite für Vorgebeugtes Seitheben mit Kurzhanteln.

Alternative variants to bent-over lateral raises on the incline bench

Um dein Training abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten, kannst du dich auch an ähnlichen Übungen oder anderen Varianten des Vorgebeugten Seithebens auf der Schrägbank versuchen.


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