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Cable abduction

The cable pull exercise for abduction aims to strengthen the outer thighs and is often utilized as an isolated exercise in leg training. A variation of this is the adduction on the cable pull, which serves to train the opposing adductors. Similarly, the exercise kickbacks on the cable pull is quite similar, although with a stronger focus on the muscles of the buttocks.


Despite its predominant use by female athletes, abduction on the cable pull is also suitable for men aiming to develop a comprehensive thigh musculature, making it advisable to include abductors as an additional muscle group in their training program.


The muscles targeted during abduction on the cable pull primarily focus on the middle gluteal muscle (musculus gluteus medius), rendering it an effective isolation exercise.


The execution of abductor training on the cable pull is comparatively straightforward. Using a foot loop and the cable pull, targeted standing exercises can be performed. The correct body position and execution of movements are crucial in this regard.

Body position

You stand sideways to the cable pull, with the rope attached to the lower block. The foot loop is secured just above the ankle on the leg that is farther from the cable pull. This leg is positioned slightly in front of the standing leg to facilitate a smooth movement. One hand holds onto the cable pull tower, while the other arm is supported at the hip for stability. The back remains straight, with a slight arch in the lower part. The standing leg is almost fully extended, as is the leg being trained, which hovers slightly in the air and is positioned in front of the standing leg.

Movement execution

The actual movement begins by extending the leg to the side outward. The leg remains almost fully extended, and the movement occurs laterally along the body. Exhale during this motion, briefly hold the tension, and then return to the starting position while inhaling, with the trained leg roughly in front of the standing leg.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

To ensure optimal effectiveness in training abductors on the cable pull, it is crucial to execute the exercise correctly. Here are some helpful tips to avoid the most common errors.


✅ Swinging Leg Movement: The execution should be controlled and deliberate. Avoid moving the leg in a swinging manner to prevent compromising the effectiveness of the workout.


✅ Foot Positioning in a Line: During abductor training on the cable pull, place the foot of the leg being trained slightly in front of the standing leg. The movement is then lateral. However, ensure that the two legs are positioned slightly offset.


✅ Swinging from the Hips: Maintain stability throughout the exercise. Refrain from swinging from the hips and focus on moving only the leg.


✅ Incorrect Back Position: Throughout the abductor training on the cable pull, the back should consistently maintain a slight arch and an upright posture. Be mindful not to curve the back.


✅ Excessive Weight: To ensure precise execution, fitness enthusiasts should select a moderate weight. Typically, the weight for abductions on the cable pull tends to be on the lighter side.

Alternatives and similar exercises to abduction on the cable tower

The following section introduces alternative exercises for abduction on the cable tower, which either have a similar execution or target the same muscle groups.


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