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Important hormones for building muscle and losing fat

To successfully promote muscle growth and achieve optimal training results, various factors play a crucial role. Aside from training and nutrition, the hormonal state of your body is of significant importance. Influencing this state can be accomplished through natural methods as well as with the use of medications. Below, you will find an overview of the key hormones that can influence both muscle building and fat reduction.

7 important hormones for building muscle

To be successful in bodybuilding, a comprehensive approach is essential. The success of your training and nutrition forms the foundation. Maximizing your training results requires adequate hormone levels in the body. Inadequate nutrition or illnesses can disrupt the hormonal balance, which can have a negative impact on your muscle growth and training success. Therefore, it is advisable to take a closer look at the most significant hormones.


Cortisol, as a stress hormone, is present in the human body. During times of tension, this hormone prepares the body for potential flight situations and physical peak performance by promoting the release of glucose. Engaging in extensive physical activity is suitable for reducing the cortisol levels in the body. An elevated presence of this stress hormone can accelerate muscle breakdown and contribute to weight gain. To counteract the increased cortisol levels and opt for a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to turn to delicious tea varieties, dark berries, or abstain from alcohol and caffeine.


The hormone insulin is produced in the pancreas of the body. Its role is to regulate the blood sugar level and transport glucose to various cells within the organism. An excessively high insulin level can promote unwanted weight gain. If the goal is to reduce body weight, it is advisable to lower the insulin level. Engaging in physical activities and adopting a mindful diet can help achieve an optimal insulin level to realize your athletic aspirations with the assistance of this anabolic hormone.


When considering the topic of hormones and muscle development, testosterone holds significant importance. Anabolic steroids and testosterone take the forefront when it comes to aiding muscle growth. Testosterone is a hormone primarily found in male organisms and exerts a notable influence on the success of muscle development. Its anabolic effect promotes protein synthesis, thereby stimulating muscle growth. This is one of the key factors explaining why men often find it easier to build muscle. However, consistently elevated testosterone levels in the long term can have adverse effects. You can naturally increase your testosterone levels through a healthy diet and sufficient sleep to enhance the strength of your muscles.

Growth hormones HGH or STH and IGF-1

HGH and STH are abbreviations for human growth hormones, which are produced in the brain. Growth hormones play a pivotal role in controlling your muscle strength and the targeted development of muscle tissue. Due to the rather complex interplay of various factors, influencing them can be quite challenging for recreational athletes.

Various cells in the body produce the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1. This messenger substance promotes the growth of bones and muscles. The normal range is 120-400 milligrams per liter. As age progresses, the IGF-1 level decreases. Adequate IGF-1 supply is crucial for athletes. A too low value can impair muscle growth, while an elevated IGF-1 level is associated with side effects.


Epinephrine acts as a stress indicator and also operates as a catabolic hormone. The adrenal gland is responsible for producing epinephrine. This hormone enhances the body's oxygen supply, leading to increased blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Because epinephrine utilizes energy from fat reserves, there is no undesired muscle breakdown. Instead, customized workouts can help increase your epinephrine levels and expedite fat burning.


Glucagon is a hormone composed of 29 amino acids. In contrast to the body's own hormone, insulin, glucagon's role is to raise the blood sugar level. Production takes place in the pancreas, leading to the provision of much-needed energy in the body due to the increased blood sugar levels. A diet rich in proteins can have a positive impact on your glucagon levels and enhance your athletic performance.

Increase or decrease hormone balance in a targeted manner

Most hormones can be deliberately enhanced. This can be achieved in various ways. The use of performance-enhancing substances and drugs for manipulation is common. However, there is still the option to influence your hormone levels naturally and thus maximize your training progress.

Naturally optimize hormones

Many athletes frequently link the manipulation of hormones to illicit means. Nonetheless, there is the possibility to enhance hormones naturally by considering appropriate foods, a balanced diet, a well-thought-out training plan, and adequate recovery. In the specific articles on insulin, testosterone, or growth hormones, you can find more information on the natural regulation of hormone levels.

Manipulation of the hormonal balance using medication

The regulation of hormone levels can also be influenced by the use of medications. Performance-enhancing substances are widely used in professional and amateur sports. Anabolic steroids, pro-hormones, steroids, and similar substances aid in the manipulation of the hormonal balance. Natural methods are preferable. In addition to being prohibited, the long-term use of stimulating substances can lead to severe side effects.


In summary, it becomes evident that successful muscle building and fat reduction depend on numerous factors. Besides nutrition and training, various hormones play a crucial role. Testosterone, insulin, and other hormones can contribute to bringing out the best in your body and achieving outstanding results in the realm of bodybuilding. The targeted optimization of hormone levels, preferably through natural means, offers significant potential that you should by no means leave untapped.