Fitness Motivation: Tips on how to motivate yourself to workout

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The blog "Fitness Motivation: Tips on How to Motivate Yourself for Training" by, published on 07.10.19, provides comprehensive insights into motivational strategies for successful training. The text emphasizes that fitness goes beyond mere external changes, highlighting long-term and profound positive effects such as increased vital values, a stronger immune system, enhanced self-confidence, and a longer life expectancy.


According to the blog, the central challenge faced by all athletes is motivation. To address this obstacle, the blog presents ten tips:


1. **Motivation through Goal Achievement:** Formulating clear and time-bound goals, starting with an "All-Time-Goal," lays the foundation for motivation. Intermediate goals lead step by step to the ultimate goal.


2. **Fitness Tracking Apps:** Serving as an effective means to document and visually represent progress, especially when motivation wanes due to perceived lack of advancement.


3. **Recognition on Social Media:** Sharing progress on social media not only documents the process but also provides motivation through positive feedback and likes.


4. **Role Models:** The significance of icons and legends in the fitness industry, such as Larry Wheels, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Brian Shaw, is emphasized. The community around YouTube or film stars offers inspiration and motivating content.


5. **Training Partners:** In addition to role models, a training partner can have a motivating effect. Internal duels and competitions bring out the best in everyone, regardless of individual athletic goals.


6. **Variation in Training and Nutrition:** Emphasizing the need for variety, whether in training or nutrition, to maintain long-term motivation. New challenges and adjustments can work wonders.


7. **Motivation through Music:** The right choice of music is presented as an emotional drive for training success, especially tailored to the specific sport or activity.


8. **Rewards during Training:** The brain's reward center plays a crucial role in motivation. Small rewards such as a protein shake or a new sports outfit can boost motivation.


9. **A Good Trainer/Coach:** Collaboration with a competent trainer is presented as the key to new sports motivation and achievements. A harmonious relationship with the coach accelerates training successes.


10. **Return to the Origin of Motivation:** The article concludes with a call to reflect on the true reason for motivation. It is emphasized that true motivation comes from within, and returning to the original motivations can lead to new motivation and insights.


Overall, the article focuses on the idea that every athlete, regardless of the low points, can find means and ways to ignite motivation. It underscores that the individual quest for motivation is a personal journey that goes hand in hand with hard work and an understanding of the fitness lifestyle.


End of summary


Slender, athletic, seductive – these are often the associations that are linked with a well-toned physique. However, this sport holds much more than many presume. The positive effects extend far beyond mere muscle growth and manifest themselves in the long term and on a profound level. Vital signs experience an enhancement, the immune system becomes robust, confidence grows, and life expectancy increases. The positive aspects of this sport are truly overwhelming. But why doesn't everyone dedicate themselves to this pursuit of fitness?


The answer is familiar to many athletes because sooner or later, everyone encounters the same obstacle: lack of motivation. Without it, progress is hindered. Some have their own tips and tricks to stay motivated, while others struggle to overcome their inner demons and commit to training. We have compiled the top 10 pieces of advice against a lack of motivation so that there should be no shortage of inspiration in the future.

Motivation through achieving goals

To kindle the spark of motivation, predetermined goals are essential. Only the person who knows their targeted goal can find the appropriate path. Thus, the establishment of goals proves to be crucial. In this regard, it can be helpful to formulate an "All-Time-Goal" – an end result that is challenging and requires a time frame. However, this sought-after end result can only be achieved through the accomplishment of intermediate goals, stages that gradually bring one closer to the ultimate objective. This strategy can only be implemented if the goals are time-bound and an unalterable ultimatum is set. Accordingly, these should be binding and must not be postponed or changed at short notice.


Upon reaching each intermediate goal or completing each stage, the reward center in the brain speaks up, and a benevolent feeling permeates the body. The desire for additional moments of joy increases, and the next goal comes into focus, thereby creating a healthy cycle of inner contentment and motivation.


Furthermore, established goals influence our selective perception. Once a goal is mentally anchored, consciousness directs attention to all information that supports the achievement of this goal.

Fitness tracking apps document your progress

Once the fundamental goals are clearly articulated and temporally established, the challenge arises to maintain an overview and document one's own path. Often, motivation for training diminishes when apparent improvements are not visible, and one finds oneself in what seems like an endless phase of stagnation.


At this point, tracking apps prove to be ideal. They function as practical tools to record and visualize numerous pieces of information. It doesn't matter whether it's about general fitness, bodybuilding, or the overarching goal of weight loss. For every preferred physical activity, there are corresponding tracking apps that document the path to success and analyze physical data. In phases of low motivation, these apps can open one's eyes and make one's own progress more perceptible.

Motivation through recognition on social networks

An alternative approach to documentation involves utilizing social media. Uploading photos, videos, or other content provides a fascinating insight into the journey toward the desired goal. Furthermore, positive feedback and likes activate the reward center in another way, offering recognition that, in turn, creates additional motivation.

Role models show you how it's done

The greatest role models and legends had their influences, and no one should be without them. Whether it's Larry Wheels in Powerlifting, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Bodybuilding, or Brian Shaw in the realm of Strongman, having a character to orient oneself towards is crucial. Some even set their ultimate goals based on the appearance of these respective individuals. The community around YouTube or film stars gives the feeling of not being alone, and inspirational speeches or videos can quickly captivate and lift one out of a lackluster state.

Training partners serve as motivators

In addition to role models, a training partner can have a similar effect. Internal competitions and small duels can bring out the best in someone and drive them to new heights. It doesn't matter whether the training partner is seeking motivation for weight loss while one has a different athletic goal in mind. The realization that one doesn't have to walk the path to their goals alone is reassuring and provides the opportunity to motivate each other on challenging days.

Variation in training and nutrition leads to motivation

The same movements, exercises, and sets day in and day out. Routine is nice, but sometimes something new is needed, not only to stimulate growth but also to replenish energy and stay motivated for training. Variation can unleash new motivation. Challenges, a new training plan, or a simple adjustment of previous repetition numbers can already work wonders.


The same applies outside of training when motivation for weight loss or bodybuilding wanes. While the diet should be healthy, this doesn't exclude variations. New recipes, mixtures, or foods can bring more excitement to everyday life.

Train with the right music

Music can serve as a conductor of emotions. Through the right music selection, emotions, even if only limited, can be directed in the right direction, pushing the body to new heights.


Especially for athletes seeking motivation for weight loss and undergoing strict running training, there are suitable beats and songs tailored to a specific rhythm, the running cadence. For bodybuilding and similar activities, there are similar variations where the music synchronizes with the sequence of movements.

Training motivation through rewards

As mentioned several times, the reward center in the brain is a crucial component for finding new motivation. A simple reward sets the necessary stimulus to release endorphins. However, the reward doesn't always have to be in the form of chocolate or a cheat day. A tasty protein shake after the workout or a new gym outfit can be sufficient to stimulate hormone release. To find training motivation, one can occasionally reward themselves with small things.

A good trainer/coach will take you to the next level

The right trainer takes you exactly where you want to go! (Source: MicroOne/ Another tip for new sports motivation and, above all, new personal bests is collaborating with a skilled trainer. They can elevate the training to a new level, identify weaknesses, and, most importantly, provide fresh motivation. A harmonious relationship with the coach can lead to training successes happening faster than expected.

Back to the source of motivation

True motivation comes from within. The last piece of advice delves deeper into the matter because the key lies within the individual. It involves asking oneself why they started training in the first place.


This doesn't refer to the usual standard answers! No one lifts weights day in and day out or runs long distances every week just to look good or improve vital signs. Everyone began training for a specific reason. From bullying to tragic events in life, many things could have been the cause for entering the fitness sport. The goal is to honestly answer this question for oneself and thus return to their original drive, leading to new motivation and insights.


Everyone reaches that low point from which escape seems impossible. However, knowing how to help oneself can lead to finding motivation anywhere. Sometimes, scratching the surface and listening to favorite playlists is enough. At other times, a deeper


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