Training your front shoulder: 3 exercises and what you should pay attention to

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This Blog provides advice and guidance for exercising the front shoulder muscles. It introduces three recommended exercises: the traditional front lifting with dumbbells, front lifting on an inclined bench, and front lifting using a cable. The text emphasizes the importance of proper execution and highlights key aspects to focus on during each training session. Additionally, it cautions about the potential for shoulder injuries and recommends carefully selecting the appropriate weight to execute the exercises cleanly and avoid potential injuries. The text concludes by suggesting that watching a linked video can be a helpful complement to the written instructions.


Do you want to build impressive shoulders? Then the quest for the best method for you is complete. In this article, I focus on the essential and explain how you can optimally develop the front shoulder muscles.


Many athletes continue to search for the ultimate way to build as much muscle as possible in various areas in the shortest time possible. The dilemma is that there is no magical solution, and muscle building can only be achieved through hard training and intensive effort. A fundamental prerequisite for effective muscle building is, on the one hand, the selection of exercises that target specific muscles and, on the other hand, a technique to stimulate the muscles.


The sections are divided into front, lateral, and rear shoulder muscles. Each section explains which exercises are particularly effective for the corresponding shoulder area and what you should pay attention to in order to achieve maximum muscle growth.


Part 1 – Optimal training for the front shoulder
Part 2 – Strengthening the shoulder blades

Train front shoulder

Traditional Front Lifting with Dumbbells This movement is performed using two dumbbells. It is crucial to maintain an upright posture to minimize the risk of developing a curved body position through repeated improper execution. An additional advantage of the upright position is that the muscle is trained across its entire range of motion.


The neck should not play a role in the upward movement, as full concentration is directed towards the front shoulder.


Note It is advisable to train with lighter weights, targeting the desired muscle, rather than using unnecessary weight and activating the wrong muscles with improper execution.


Front Lifting on the Incline Bench In contrast to the previously introduced exercise, this movement not only trains the front shoulder but also partially targets the rear shoulder and neck. A significant advantage is the limited space for evasive movements. Additionally, this exercise promotes arm mobility, as the shoulders and shoulder blades travel a longer distance above the head.


Front Lifting on the Cable This exercise is usually not suitable for individuals training in a home gym, as it requires a cable tower. However, for those with access, trying out this exercise is highly recommended. Stand over the cable of the cable tower. Keep the chest elevated throughout the exercise, keep the neck relaxed, and grip the bar firmly with the wrists.


Tip Use a straight short bar for this exercise.

Optimal shoulder training: You should definitely pay attention to this!

If you find over time that your shoulders are causing discomfort, your posture is unfavorably changing, or you're not making noticeable progress, the following three pieces of advice are crucial.


Selecting the Appropriate Load Take a step back and ensure that the weight you've chosen is suitable for you. It is counterproductive to train with weights that are too heavy – in fact, you could harm your joints. Rarely does excessive weight lead to optimal muscle engagement.


Maintaining an Upright Posture Always stand upright and ensure that your posture remains stable during exercises. Avoid any rocking, arching your back, or hunching.


Focus and Concentration Direct your attention to the specific muscle you want to target. Be mindful not to engage additional muscles unnecessarily. For instance, when performing front lifts, avoid excessively involving the neck, and consequently, you shouldn't feel strain in that region.

Frequently asked questions about front shoulder training

Which exercises are suitable for training the front shoulder muscles? Recommended training methods include: the traditional front lifting with dumbbells, front lifting on an inclined bench, and front lifting using a cable.


What should be considered during a workout for the front shoulder muscles? Shoulder injuries can easily occur. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right weight and perform the exercises with proper form.


What is the optimal approach to training the front shoulder muscles? Creating a written step-by-step guide is more challenging than demonstrating it in a video. For this reason, I recommend watching the video linked in this post.


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