Fast muscle building: This is what you need to pay attention to!

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Summary of this blog


The blog emphasizes you the desire of many individuals for rapid muscle development and the associated challenges. It sheds light on the individual factors influencing muscle growth, such as age, gender, genetics, and hormones. A crucial insight is that muscles consist of genetically distributed fibers, with muscle fiber type II being particularly effective for muscle growth.


To build muscles effectively, the article recommends a progressive overload of the muscles, with weights being regularly increased. Fundamental free-weight exercises like pull-ups, shoulder presses, and squats are mentioned as effective for quick results.


Proper warm-up before training, progressive overload, and suitable exercises are crucial. Following the workout, a proper cool-down, stretching, and avoiding overtraining are emphasized. The article also underscores the importance of a balanced diet in a caloric surplus. Proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats are recommended as essential building blocks for rapid muscle development.


Questions regarding fast muscle building are addressed, highlighting the significance of sufficient recovery and the potential role of supplements. Overall, the message conveyed is that muscle building is possible for everyone by following the right principles of training, nutrition, and recovery.


End of summary


It is commonly known: One invests a lot of time and effort in training for the abdomen or legs, only to futilely search for the newly acquired muscles in the mirror after the workout. Numerous individuals who have just signed up at the gym or engage in home workouts with body weight nurture the dream of rapid muscle building with visible results within a few days.


Unfortunately, the realization of this desire often proves to be tricky. Muscle growth varies individually from person to person due to various influencing factors. Hence, it can happen that some people build muscles faster than others. In this article, we explain how it is still possible to achieve the best possible development in the shortest time.

Factors influencing muscle building

Understanding the processes during muscle mass development is crucial to realize that muscles are initially required to cope well with everyday life. The body constantly engages muscles to walk, climb stairs, and sit upright. In total, the body has more than 650 muscles that are utilized for various functions. Muscles consist of genetically determined muscle fibers, which are divided into two types. The red fibers (Type I) are tireless and are primarily used during cardio training and fat burning. In contrast, they work slower than the white fibers (Type II). Muscle fiber Type II ensures particularly effective muscle building through rapid contractions and high force. Through necessary regeneration and repair through protein deposition, they increase in volume.


Age is beyond our control but significantly influences our muscle growth. In younger years, building muscles is easier than with advancing age. From the age of 35, individuals who do not regularly exercise naturally lose about 0.5% of muscle mass per year.



From around 35 years of age, muscle mass in the body decreases by approximately 0.5% annually.


Therefore, it is especially important in advanced age to regularly train the muscles. This way, one can effectively and gently counteract natural muscle loss in old age.


Another influencing factor on muscle growth is gender or hormones. Unfortunately, men have a higher concentration of the sex hormone testosterone, making them predisposed to faster muscle building, to the chagrin of women. However, with proper training and a balanced diet, women can also build muscles quickly.


Another enzyme contributing to muscle building is insulin. It actively transports nutrients in the body and also regulates the sugar, fat, and protein balance. Therefore, insulin contributes to rapid recovery after strength training.

Train properly to build muscle quickly

Many dream of a sculpted body with powerful muscles, a visibly defined six-pack, or well-shaped legs. Without proper training, they repeat the same weight exercises every week, perform identical training sequences, or exclusively rely on bodyweight exercises for months. While these methods may initially contribute to muscle growth, they quickly lose their effectiveness.


For those aiming for rapid progress, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:


Warm-up: Successful training inevitably requires the still controversial warm-up. Prior movement promotes blood circulation in the muscles and stimulates the cardiovascular system. This prepares the muscles and significantly reduces the risk of injury.


Warm-up is not only safer but also allows for higher performance during weight training, as the muscles do not have to work from a "cold start." They are already supplied with performance-enhancing nutrients and oxygen during the warm-up, enabling optimal muscle fiber function.


To sufficiently warm up the muscles, it is advisable to set various stimuli. A distinction is made between general and specific warm-up.


General warm-up ensures that the entire body is in motion and the circulation is stimulated. About 10 minutes of endurance training brings the muscles to operating temperature. Once sweating begins, it is the right time to continue training on the equipment.

Tip: To bypass general warm-up, one can simply ride a bicycle to the gym. This allows for a direct transition to the equipment.


However, general warm-up is not the endpoint. To prepare the body for the upcoming stress and internalize the correct execution of exercises, at least one warm-up set should be completed. For this, one can choose either one's own body weight or half of the usual weight.


Progressive Overload:

The term "progressive" is derived from the Latin word for progress. To perceive progress in muscle building as quickly as possible, progressive – i.e., advancing – overload is the crucial point to constantly set new muscle stimuli.

The goal is to optimally increase the weights used at regular intervals, neither overloading nor underloading the muscles. This prevents the body from getting accustomed to monotonous stimuli and adapting to them.


It's time to increase the weights when the last two repetitions of a set are still very easy. If this is not the case, one should continue training with the same weight in 3-6 sets of 6-12 repetitions.


Most Effective Exercises:


The most effective exercises that target the entire body and deliver quick results include basic exercises such as:

  • Pull-ups
  • Shoulder presses
  • Bench presses
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts


These basic exercises are free weight exercises and are somewhat more complex than machine exercises. Especially beginners should be accompanied by an experienced trainer to avoid dangerous errors in execution.


At the beginning of strength training, training on machines or with one's body weight is sufficient for initial results. The machines provide the correct movement, while bodyweight training provides additional muscle stimuli.


Variations in exercises are extremely important throughout the entire muscle-building training. Always performing the same movement builds only the same muscle. To activate as many muscles as possible, unfamiliar stimuli, such as exercise variations, should be introduced after a certain period.


Popular variations, supplements, and alternatives to the most effective basic exercises include, for example:

  • Close-grip pull-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Dips
  • Lunges
  • Sumo squats


Cool-down: Equally important as warming up before training is a healthy and slow cooldown after training. A cold shower after training can literally provide an extra kick, allowing the muscles to recover well. The same applies even to the sauna.


Light stretching, proper stretching, or easy endurance training can also supply the muscles with oxygen and flush unnecessary substances from the body through a stimulated circulation.

Sufficient regeneration

For those desiring rapid muscle growth, it is crucial to ensure that their regeneration occurs promptly, and damaged muscle fibers recover through the addition of proteins. To achieve this, especially beginners need a minimum of 3 days before they can resume training.


During the rest period, any form of exertion should be completely avoided. Additionally, endurance training during the muscle-building phase should be performed at most once a week to ensure a quicker nutrient supply. Regular endurance training in the regeneration phase could otherwise counteract muscle growth, as catabolic hormones responsible for muscle building are released.


In the relaxation phase, proper nutrition remains of paramount importance to achieve swift progress in muscle building. How this nutrition can be structured will now be explained.

Increase muscle growth through proper nutrition

It is widely acknowledged that muscle growth primarily depends on one thing: proteins. However, those who assume that during strength training, one must rely solely on whey, eggs, and lean meat are mistaken.


The secret to quick results lies in the optimal distribution of macronutrients and a caloric surplus. Approximately 300-500 calories should be factored in during strength training in addition to the total expenditure.


There are various dietary approaches, and undoubtedly, different paths lead to success. Nevertheless, in the context of muscle building, one should not forego carbohydrates. These serve as a crucial energy source, especially when derived from high-quality whole grains and should constitute about 50% of the diet.


Fats should also not be neglected in the diet. Olive oil, nuts, and avocados contain highly healthy, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3, Omega-6, and vitamins that keep the body healthy in various ways. Fats should make up about 30% of the diet, with an emphasis on relying solely on healthy fat sources. Proteins, at approximately 2g per kg of body weight, should constitute about 20% of the diet. These are essential building blocks to regenerate muscle fibers and increase volume. Particularly protein-rich foods include lean meat, tuna, and Harzer cheese, while vegans may opt for tofu.


Building muscle is achievable for everyone. Unfortunately, the speed of this process depends on factors such as age, gender, and genetic predisposition. However, with appropriate training, including general and specific warm-ups, progressive weight increase, and sufficient muscle recovery, rapid progress can be achieved for individuals. Additionally, a balanced diet with a caloric surplus further supports this.

Frequently asked questions about “fast muscle building”

What should be consumed to expedite muscle growth?

Proteins are essential but not sufficient on their own. Complex carbohydrates from whole grains post-workout, as well as saturated fats from avocado, nuts, olives, and salmon, are advisable. Here is a detailed nutrition plan for muscle building.


How often should one train to build muscle mass quickly?

Initially, three training sessions per week are entirely sufficient. Due to the increased risk of injury, muscles need sufficient time for recovery.


Muscle growth without fat accumulation. Is it possible?

For a rapid increase in muscle mass, one should consume a caloric surplus and avoid excessive endurance training. Weight gain through fat is then difficult to prevent.


How useful are supplements for muscle building?

In muscle building, achieving optimal nutrient distribution and simultaneous intake of sufficient minerals and vitamins can be challenging. High-quality dietary supplements can be helpful in this case but are not necessarily required.


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