Understand insulin and build or lose muscle in a targeted manner

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This blog focuses on the targeted use of insulin for muscle building and weight reduction. Insulin, often perceived as a contributor to weight gain, plays a crucial role as an anabolic hormone that stimulates the body to absorb nutrients. The text explains the production and structure of insulin, highlighting its role in metabolism, particularly in the transportation of glucose to cells.


Insulin sensitivity, influenced by genetic factors and lifestyle, is emphasized as significant for muscle building and weight management. A high insulin level is associated with weight gain, while a low insulin level promotes fat burning. The intentional application of insulin for muscle building and fat burning requires conscious regulation through diet and exercise.


For muscle building, insulin opens muscle cells to nutrients and aids in recovery after exertion. An elevated insulin level also has positive effects by combating the negative influence of cortisol on muscle building and weight gain. In fat burning, a low insulin level is crucial, with a recommendation for a low-carbohydrate meal in the evening.


Regulating insulin levels can be achieved through a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates and high-quality fats, as well as through physical activity. The article concludes by stating that insulin should not be solely viewed as a contributor to weight gain but can serve as a supportive hormone for muscle building and fat burning in specific situations, provided that diet and exercise are aligned accordingly.


End of summary


The hormone insulin is often considered a trigger for various diseases and seen as a potential cause of weight gain. However, insulin serves an extremely useful function in the body – as an anabolic hormone, it signals the organism to absorb vital nutrients. Through the proper use of insulin and other essential hormones, one not only benefits in building muscle mass but can also burn fat.

What is Insulin? 

Insulin is a natural hormone produced in the pancreas. This so-called proteohormone plays a crucial role in the human metabolism. By redirecting glucose from the blood into various cells, insulin regulates the blood sugar level. In individuals with diabetes, this process is disrupted, leading to uncontrolled blood sugar concentration. Insulin consists of 51 amino acids, with an A-chain containing 21 amino acids and a B-chain containing 30 amino acids.

The effect of insulin

Insulin is responsible for metabolism in the human body. As the only hormone with a blood sugar-lowering effect, insulin's primary task is to transport glucose from the blood into the individual cells of the body. The organism does not rely on the spontaneous production of insulin; there is a supply in the pancreas that is sufficient for three days.


After consuming food, nutrients are converted into carbohydrates and then into glucose. This glucose enters the blood, raising the blood sugar level. Insulin counteracts this, supplying the cells of muscles, liver, kidney, and other organs with glucose. Excess glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver. If the blood sugar level is too low, glucagon, through the release of glycogen, increases the blood sugar level. For athletes, it is noteworthy that insulin transports amino acids into muscle cells and stores them, making it an important hormone for fitness training and sports.

Insulin sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity refers to the body's response to a meal. Individuals with high sensitivity require small amounts of insulin to lower blood sugar levels. Your sensitivity to insulin is higher compared to other individuals. Genetic factors and lifestyle fundamentally influence sensitivity. Nutrition, stress, and health can positively influence sensitivity. It is often claimed that low insulin sensitivity increases the risk of overweight. Additionally, insulin is crucial for muscle building, as high insulin sensitivity is advantageous for muscles. Testosterone has a positive impact on sensitivity and reduces insulin resistance.

Weight gain due to high insulin levels

Insulin and fat burning are inherently linked. Since insulin stores glucose, it is often considered a trigger for weight gain. During food intake and nutrient storage, no fat burning takes place. Insulin signals the body to absorb nutrients but simultaneously prevents the release of energy and the burning of fat. To lose weight, the insulin level must be reduced. A consistently high insulin level can negatively impact weight. However, insulin is by no means solely harmful and responsible for weight gain. It can be intentionally used for muscle building or even weight loss.

Use insulin specifically to build muscle or lose weight

The targeted use of insulin in the human organism is fundamentally achievable. After all, the insulin levels can be either lowered or increased through various measures. Two different objectives are in question. Either one utilizes the hormone specifically for building muscles, or insulin is employed to promote fat burning.


Insulin for Muscle Building

Insulin opens the muscle cells to various nutrients, whereby an optimal insulin level promotes muscle recovery and protein synthesis. Muscle cells are particularly sensitive immediately after exertion. As an anabolic hormone, insulin ensures a rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen. The faster nutrients reach the muscle cells, the quicker the body enters an anabolic phase, accelerating muscle building. However, an elevated insulin level brings additional advantages. Insulin can combat the antagonist cortisol and mitigate its adverse effects on muscle building, weight gain, and the like. Following exertion, simple and fast carbohydrates are the solution. Simple sugars are ideal here to adjust the insulin level and prevent muscle breakdown by cortisol. Besides specialized bars, fructose in fruits and glucose in candies are also ideal for this purpose. A few gummy bears successfully counteract cortisol.


Insulin for Fat Burning

Yet not only a targeted increase in insulin levels can be helpful in achieving your goals. By avoiding insulin and maintaining a low insulin level, you can accelerate fat burning. With a high insulin level, cells absorb more nutrients. However, you want your body to release energy and burn fat. A low level in the evening before bedtime is particularly effective. With a low insulin level, your body can dedicate the entire night to fat burning. A low-carbohydrate meal in the evening is the solution. The same applies, of course, to fat burning at any other time of day. A low insulin level is always crucial when it comes to weight loss.

Regulation of insulin levels

As already illustrated, an appropriate insulin level is beneficial for your goals. An increased insulin level after intense training can accelerate muscle building, while a low insulin level favors fat burning. But how can the insulin level be regulated? Basically, the two areas of nutrition and exercise come into consideration.


Influence on the Insulin Level through Nutrition

Your diet influences the insulin sensitivity of your body. Throughout the day, complex carbohydrates are ideal for maintaining an optimal insulin level. Simple sugars are best during the phase immediately after your training—only during this phase. For effective fat burning, high-quality fats are better than carbohydrates. This way, the insulin level stays low, and your body burns fat.


Influencing the Insulin Level through Exercise

Physical activity lowers the insulin level in the body. The more intense the physical activity, the more the blood sugar level drops. In essence, this is advantageous if you want to burn fat. However, to build muscles, you should always counteract with a simple sugar after intense training, so you don't lose muscles and escape the catabolic phase.

Conclusion: The hormone insulin for athletes and co.

The Use of the Hormone Insulin for Athletes and Co. Insulin is by no means exclusively a contributor to weight gain. However, examining the hormone in the human body requires a differentiated perspective. In certain situations, insulin can help you achieve your goals. As an anabolic hormone, it can support muscle building and promote fat burning—provided you keep an eye on the insulin level and align nutrition and exercise accordingly. Thus, the path to successful muscle building and fat reduction seems to be paved.


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