Overcoming a plateau when losing weight: This is how you continue to burn fat

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Summary of this blog


The blog addresses the phenomenon of weight loss plateaus and provides advice on overcoming them. A plateau is a normal phase in the weight loss process where the body has become accustomed to stimuli. Various reasons can lead to this stagnation, including too high a caloric deficit, miscalculated basal metabolic rate, failure to maintain the caloric deficit, lack of variation in nutrition, and the body's adaptation to specific training stimuli.


It is emphasized that stagnation is not necessarily a plateau but a natural part of the weight loss process. The blog offers practical tips for overcoming plateaus, such as reviewing and adjusting eating habits, drinking enough water, integrating movement into daily life, and strengthening the mindset.


The summary concludes with frequently asked questions about weight loss plateaus, addressing why weight loss may not occur despite a caloric deficit, when stagnation becomes a plateau, and how to overcome a plateau. Special attention is given to the importance of identifying causes and temporarily adjusting caloric intake and eating habits.


End of summary


Who doesn't know this situation: At the beginning of a dietary change, the transformations in one's own body seem almost unbelievable, and you can literally observe how the excess kilos disappear. It becomes even more frustrating when, after a certain period, the previous successes seem to fade away, and one feels stuck on a plateau in the weight loss process that initially appears insurmountable.


However, one should consider a plateau as a completely normal occurrence. Instead of getting demotivated and giving up, one should be proud of the previous phase of weight reduction. In this blog, we would like to explain why a weight loss plateau can occur and how to overcome it effectively in a few steps.

Definition training plateau when losing weight

The term plateau in the context of weight loss refers to a phase in the process of muscle building or fat loss where the body has adapted to the stimuli and no longer wants to provide additional energy for them. For this reason, plateaus can occur in both muscle building and fat loss.


Even if one believes to maintain a caloric deficit, successes may not materialize, or there might even be a renewed weight gain. It is often forgotten that a lower body fat percentage also requires reduced food intake.


Even the initially challenging cardio sessions become easier over time as the body becomes accustomed to the repeated stimuli and no longer perceives new incentives that could motivate it for fat burning.

Reasons for stagnation in fat loss

When the body can no longer lose fat at the same rate, there is no need to worry too much about stagnation. There are always potential causes that can lead to a standstill in weight loss. It is crucial to identify and address these issues.


Excessive Caloric Deficit (Adaptive Thermogenesis)

An excessive or prolonged caloric deficit can lead to a long-term plateau in weight loss, even if it initially sounds peculiar. This is due to the so-called adaptive thermogenesis. As the name suggests, it is an adjustment of the body to the low energy intake. The metabolism is significantly reduced, and the cardiovascular system operates in the long run at a reduced capacity. Particularly with a caloric intake below the basal metabolic rate, vital bodily functions cannot be maintained, and the body stores every received calorie as a reserve in the fat depots.


Incorrect Calculation of the Basal Metabolic Rate

It is sensible to know one's personal basal metabolic rate before embarking on weight loss to derive a more accurate calorie requirement crucial to the success of weight loss.


What many fail to consider is that the basal metabolic rate also decreases with decreasing body weight. The previously consumed 1,800 calories for weight loss might only cover the energy expended during activity or even exceed it.


Unmet Caloric Deficit

Besides the miscalculated basal metabolic rate, other factors can lead to an unmet caloric deficit. This concerns not only overlooked snacks that might not have been tracked but also potential lifestyle changes.


Especially at the beginning of a diet, when motivation is high and every calorie is meticulously counted, there is a tendency to believe that calories can be estimated in the mind. It can easily happen that 100 grams of rice turn into 150 grams, which were not planned.


Lack of Variation in Nutrition

Monotonous dietary intake can also be a reason for a plateau. The body becomes more accustomed to the consumed foods, processing them more slowly. Especially with a low-carb diet, it is essential to focus on variety and balance.


The Body Has Adapted to Physical Activities

The same applies to physical activity as it does to nutrition. The body quickly adapts to stimuli that were challenging a few weeks ago, learning to use its energy more efficiently. Therefore, it is crucial to introduce new or more intense stimuli after some time, regardless of the type of physical activity.

Plateau reached or normality?

In numerous situations, individuals tend to assume that they have reached a plateau after initially experiencing significant weight loss, especially when the rate of weight loss diminishes over time. However, in reality, this is often not the case but rather a natural progression during the weight loss process.


A plateau is only considered reached when body weight or fat percentage remains unchanged for several weeks, with no further weight loss observed. On the other hand, a slower pace of weight loss results from a completely natural process and the body's healthy adaptation to specific stimuli.


Certainly, it is possible to enhance the effectiveness of weight loss and regain a faster pace by adopting a higher caloric deficit when weight loss appears to slow down. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised not to overdo it due to adaptive thermogenesis.

Overcome a plateau when losing weight

As a weight loss plateau is often associated with the unintentional neglect of the calorie deficit, there are various aspects that should be re-evaluated and potentially adjusted after a successful phase of weight loss.


Review and Adjustment of Eating Habits

Especially individuals who initially counted calories during a diet and later transitioned to intuitive eating tend to stop including small snacks in their calorie calculations after a while.


To effectively lose weight, it is crucial to maintain a calorie deficit and even after several months, assess whether the current eating habits still contribute to weight loss.


Adequate Water Intake

A low-carb diet is popular during weight loss as carbohydrates retain a significant amount of water, leading to rapid water retention. To eliminate these bothersome water retentions, they should be flushed out of the body through increased fluid intake.


Incorporate Daily Movement into Routine

Changed life circumstances, such as a new office job, often contribute to weight loss plateaus. Besides exercise, it is essential to move sufficiently in daily life, stand up more frequently, and burn a few calories to stimulate metabolism.


This can be achieved through activities like regular dog walks or commuting to work or shopping by bicycle. Additionally, exposure to fresh air strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system.


Strengthen Mental Resilience and Develop Self-Control

Many individuals face challenges in maintaining a calorie deficit and a healthy eating plan after just a few days or weeks. The allure of pizza returns, and on weekends, one might think that a glass of alcohol surely won't ruin previous efforts.


To handle exceptions, it is crucial to overcome these thoughts and, if at all, consciously choose to indulge in pizza. While cheat days are not advisable, forgiving oneself for occasional deviations can make it easier to resume where one left off.


Remove Weight Loss Aids and Supplements from Daily Routine

Although it may sound tempting, weight loss pills and other dubious supplements promoted on the internet are never the path to the dream body. While some reputable companies may contribute some vitamins through supplements, ultimately, you are solely responsible for weight loss—your determination, diet, and exercise.


A standstill in weight loss is a common occurrence and often happens when the previously calculated calorie deficit is unintentionally no longer maintained – possibly even over an extended period. In such cases, it is advisable to critically review and, if necessary, adjust the existing diet.


Recalculating the basal metabolic rate can be particularly useful, especially with reduced body weight. Diverse training methods and nutritional approaches are also significant to stimulate metabolism and prevent the body from becoming accustomed to specific stimuli.


However, it is crucial to always bear in mind that weight loss will naturally decrease over time. This does not indicate a plateau situation but rather reflects the natural course of the weight loss process.

Common questions about weight loss plateaus

Why is there no weight loss despite a caloric deficit?

In most cases, the cause lies in the new body weight, which may render the previously calculated caloric deficit obsolete. If this has been verified, adaptive thermogenesis, meaning too high or prolonged caloric deficit, could also hinder further progress in weight loss. In such a scenario, it would be advisable to increase caloric intake in the long term to alleviate the body's "fear of tough times."


When does a stagnation become a plateau?

This question cannot be answered definitively. While some consider a plateau after just 2 weeks without any changes, others are convinced that it occurs only after 4-6 weeks. Crucial is that a weight loss plateau can only be claimed when absolutely no fat loss is observed.


How do I overcome a plateau in weight loss?

First, the causes must be identified. These may lie in a monotonous diet or a workout lacking stimuli. However, in most cases, the failure to maintain a caloric deficit is responsible for the absence of progress in fat loss. In such a situation, it would be advisable to track caloric intake at least temporarily and adjust eating habits accordingly.


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