Is it possible to lose weight despite alcohol? You don't have to give up completely!

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Summary of this blog


The blog discusses the possibility of losing weight despite alcohol consumption by addressing the challenges and effects of alcohol on fat burning. It explains reasons why alcohol inhibits fat loss, including the impairment of testosterone, increased hunger due to cortisol, reduced performance, and difficulties in maintaining a calorie deficit. The text emphasizes the psychological effects of alcohol and how it can influence mental strength.


The blog also provides tips on how to lose weight despite alcohol consumption by planning calories and macros for the day, drinking manageable amounts, choosing the right drinks, and being mindful of psychological effects. Specific calorie values for various alcoholic beverages are also provided.


The summary concludes by emphasizing that occasional alcohol consumption likely does not hinder long-term fat loss, as long as one continues to move forward without being discouraged by setbacks. It is also recommended to plan alcohol consumption, incorporate it into the calorie deficit, and avoid excessive amounts to promote fat burning despite alcohol. Frequently asked questions about "Losing Weight Despite Alcohol" are also addressed.


End of summary


Dietary changes often entail significant adjustments. The renunciation of calorie-rich fast-food and sugary desserts is crucial. In addition to tempting dishes, cocktails, beer, and wine should no longer be on the shopping list during weight loss, as losing weight while consuming alcohol can be challenging.


But why does alcohol actually impair fat burning? What types of alcohol are low in calories, and how should one proceed when the desire for indulgence surpasses one's thirst?

Reasons why alcohol inhibits fat loss

Alcohol is one of the most popular and socially accepted substances in Germany. Over 96% of adults consume it, even though the estimated number of deaths caused by alcohol in Germany is 74,000 annually. These figures already highlight the significant health risks of alcohol consumption. Especially during a diet, there are numerous compelling reasons why alcohol should be completely eliminated from the diet.



Are you looking for the perfect diet for yourself? Then also read this blog: What is the best diet? An overview of popular diet forms.


Stress Hormone Instead of Testosterone

In the course of fat burning, the important sexual hormone testosterone is crucial for effective training. Although this hormone initially contributes to muscle building, a high testosterone level promotes the breakdown of fat instead of muscle mass. When consuming alcohol, this hormone is largely deactivated by blocking bodily processes.


An additional biochemical process in the organism significantly influences the effectiveness and course of fat metabolism. In this case, it involves the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone has the property of rapidly intensifying the sensation of hunger by blocking the hormone leptin. Consequently, despite an already existing feeling of satiety, the desire for food intake often increases, especially during alcohol consumption.


The performance diminishes due to alcohol consumption.

Scenario: One spends sociable hours with friends in the bar, indulging in the occasional beer, and after some time, it becomes apparent how the physical functions noticeably deteriorate. Reaction times slow down, eyesight weakens, and the sense of balance is no longer fully present after a certain amount of alcohol.


Various studies have also revealed that the athletic performance of elite athletes significantly declined during training when alcohol was involved. Not only was maximal strength compromised, but endurance and performance levels were markedly below the values observed in the sober state.


The cause of these weaknesses lies in the redistribution of energy during alcohol consumption. As alcohol provides the body with a considerable amount of energy in the form of acetate, it diverts attention away from the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. The liver is almost exclusively occupied with metabolizing alcohol.


Adhering to a caloric deficit becomes more challenging due to these circumstances. Those aiming to lose fat will ultimately need to maintain a caloric deficit. Calculating the exact calorie content of each meal, especially at the beginning, proves beneficial to ensure the necessary deficit for weight loss is achieved by the end of the day. Upon delving into the topic, one is likely to be frequently surprised by the high caloric density of seemingly healthy foods.


Alcohol, with its 7 kcal per gram, can be considered a veritable calorie bomb, similar to many beverages. The nutrient compositions of all alcoholic drinks are also little supportive during a diet. Valuable carbohydrates, fats, or even proteins are not present in alcohol, making its breakdown or processing by the body extremely challenging. For example, two glasses of Mojito or two large bottles of beer are already as calorie-rich as a nutrient-rich and balanced diet breakfast, with over 400 kcal. Therefore, losing weight despite alcohol becomes significantly more challenging when keeping an eye on the calories.


Influence of Alcohol on Mental State

Mental strength plays a crucial role in weight loss and regular exercise. It has been proven that alcohol has strong effects on our psyche. Whether it leads to aggressiveness, lack of motivation, or, for instance, sadness varies from person to person and also depends on the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed.


While the first glass of wine often leads to relaxation and an improved mood, this positive feeling diminishes with increasing alcohol content, resulting in a mood swing.


In the long run, alcohol can lead to both physical and psychological addiction. Living without the consumption of alcohol becomes extremely challenging, resulting in significant hindrance to weight loss due to persistent hormonal changes and making dieting in conjunction with alcohol a considerable challenge.

Tips & Tricks: Lose weight despite drinking alcohol

For those who still want to indulge in one or two beers occasionally or are invited to an event where alcohol is abundantly served, it is not necessary to give up on fat loss immediately. It is crucial in this context not to lose control over the quantity and type of alcohol consumed. This way, weight loss can continue to progress despite the presence of beer and wine.


Planning Calories and Macronutrients in Advance

When upcoming evening events are on the agenda, it's advisable to prepare accordingly. Even beforehand, a rough estimate can be made of how many calories will be consumed in the evening through the intake of alcohol. Let's assume, for example, that 3 bottles of beer and a cocktail are consumed; this already adds up to a calorie count of about 700 kcal, which should be subtracted from the daily requirement.


To establish a solid foundation, it is recommended to primarily consume protein-rich foods throughout the day. A balanced diet with the consumption of plenty of vegetables and lean meat is ideal for saving some calories and still eating enough before alcohol consumption.


Moderate Drinking Behavior

The motto is: The dose makes the poison. Almost everyone has experienced that excessive alcohol consumption eventually loses its appeal. As soon as initial signs of alcohol intoxication appear, it is advisable to take a drinking break or, ideally, stop altogether.


Note: Even though 100 ml of gin boasts a proud 263 kilocalories and beer only has 43 calories per 100 ml, one will consume significantly less gin. Therefore, it is important not only to consider the calorie count but also to reconcile it with the actual consumed quantity.


Choosing the Right Drinks

Some beverages really pack a punch, while others may allow for an extra glass without exceeding the calorie limit. Which drinks these are and which cocktails to avoid are listed below.


In general, it is advisable to mix as few components as possible in a drink. Syrup, soft drinks, various types of alcohol, and an extra dose of sugar naturally have more calories than, for example, a long drink consisting of a shot and another beverage. When preparing during a diet, always opt for sugar-free, low-calorie drinks. Although sugar-free soft drinks can also have negative long-term health effects, they can be real calorie savers for one evening.


Additionally, it is important to drink enough water in between. The body dehydrates due to alcohol consumption, tempting you to drink even more. Water also helps flush alcohol out of the body more quickly, leading to a better feeling the next day.

Real calorie bombs: cocktails

The majority of cocktails reveal themselves as true calorie bombs due to elaborate recipes involving juices, soft drinks, fruits, and sugar. While exceptions like Bloody Mary and Skinny Bitch seem to confirm the rule with around 120 kcal per drink, the trend remains clear: the more sweet components mixed into a cocktail, the higher its calorie content.


The undisputed leader among these calorie bombs is the Pina Colada. A significant amount of cream, coconut milk, and juices make this summery cocktail an extremely unhealthy, fatty, and calorie-laden choice, boasting nearly 400 kcal per drink.


Similarly, when aiming for fat loss, it's advisable to steer clear of Martini (225 kcal), Long Island Iced Tea (265 kcal), Caipirinha, and Swimming Pool (282 kcal). Even though the popular Caipirinha consists of only 3-4 ingredients, its sugar content is so high that the drink comes with an impressive 279 calories.

Alcoholic drinks and their calorie values

As mentioned earlier, alcoholic beverages with a high alcohol content have significantly more calories per 100 ml compared to beer, wine, or sparkling wine. However, since the consumption amounts vary considerably, the table below provides not only the kcal/100 g but also the typically consumed calorie count per drink.



Occasionally enjoying a sip of alcohol is unlikely to have long-term effects on fat loss. It is crucial to persistently continue after any minor deviations and not be discouraged by such small slips. Engaging in immediate exercise the next day helps expedite the breakdown and elimination of alcohol from the body, thereby preventing slumps in motivation, binge eating episodes, and extended Netflix marathons.


Thoughtful planning of alcohol consumption, incorporation into the calculated calorie deficit, and avoiding excessive amounts allow for advancing fat burning despite alcohol intake, without completely abstaining from alcohol.

Frequently asked questions about “losing weight despite alcohol”

Do I have to forgo my glass of wine in the evening?
Red wine, with approximately 80 kcal/100 ml, has relatively low calories. It is possible to enjoy an occasional glass in the evening without jeopardizing the calorie deficit; however, there is no compelling need to do so.


Is the "digestive schnapps" health-promoting?
Unfortunately, this is a myth. Especially high-proof alcohol tends to inhibit digestion and metabolism.


Can I exercise despite a hangover?
Exercise and sweating stimulate circulation and metabolism, accelerate alcohol breakdown, and promote fitness. Nevertheless, care should be taken not to overexert the body after a night of revelry.


How long does the regeneration of my body take?
Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, our cerebellum may take up to 10 hours to fully restore movement and speech.


Is it detrimental to consume alcohol after training?
At least one hour after training, the body should be replenished only with water and energy. Even afterward, alcohol can impair protein synthesis, which is crucial for effective training and energy provision.


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